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李国庆的论文 “中国律师产业实证研究——从进入壁垒切入”,也是为我们所特别推荐。这篇论文是LASS创刊以来首次发表博士论文全文,但我们更看重作者分析问题的思路。作为国内少见的运用产业组织经济学原理来研究法律问题的青年学人,他的基本出发点是将中国律师业当作经济现象进行分析。他预言中国法律服务市场的发展趋势将是强者恒强,弱者愈弱。同时也批评律师业进入壁垒政策,虽然有利于律师业“做大”,但却不一定有利于“做强”。作者还分析了法律服务市场变化对法学教育和法官职业的影响,这也值得读者批评和判断。

唐应茂和盛柳刚的论文“中国司法执行难的计量分析”是对“民商事执行程序中的‘双高现象 ’”(LASS第一卷)一文研究的深化。深化主要表现在,之前他们在分析财政部的规定出台前后对当事人执行行为的影响时,虽然发现了支持非市场化理论的证据,但是并没有控制其他因素的影响。而此次研究则采用对数比率模型(Logit模型)对申请执行决定进行回归分析,将影响申请执行决定的各类因素一同考虑,以此检验市场化理论和非市场化理论。相较国内法学界喜好“高谈阔论”、“蜻蜓点水”的学风而言,他们对针对一个具体问题进行“深钻”的态度,显得相当可贵。

“关于海瑞定理I”一文是对“海瑞定理的经济学解释”(《中国社会科学》2006年第6期)的再阐释。苏力在这篇文章中展示了“海瑞定理 I”的社会政治意义、司法的经济分配功能,以及发生的社会制度条件。他认为如何使有限的国家正式纠纷解决机制最有效地履行其治理职能,这是任何一个诚实、务实的法律人/政治家一定会遇到并必须认真关注的理论问题和实践问题。答案最终应当也必定会由任何社会中所有人的实际行为表达的公共选择来决定,不能只是由法学家思考和研究来决定。这也再一次强化了他的一贯立场:一个民族的生活创造她的法治,法学家只是创造法治的理论。

New book: Going to Extremes: How Like Minds Unite and Divide, by Cass R. Sunstein

Going to Extremes: How Like Minds Unite and DivideGoing to Extremes: How Like Minds Unite and Divide by Cass R. Sunstein, Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN-10: 0195378016. ISBN-13: 9780195378016.


读者可以对比阅读他之前主题相近的一本书:Republic.com 2.0 (2007)。该书第一版有中译本《网络共和国》


“Cass Sunstein has written Going to Extremes for those confounded by a country that remains stubbornly polarized. In clear, precise language, he explains that extremism is a consequence of the company we keep. He challenges not only what we think, but how we come to our beliefs, and he demonstrates that diversity of thought is the one ingredient necessary for both a healthy state and a working democracy.” –Bill Bishop, author of The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded American is Tearing Us Apart

“A path-breaking exploration of the perils and possibilities created by polarization among the like-minded.”–Kathleen Hall Jamieson, co-author of unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation and Echo Chamber: Rush Limbaugh and the Conservative Media Establishment

“Sunstein’s book poses a powerful challenge to anyone concerned with the future of our democracy. He reveals the dark side to our cherished freedoms of thought, expression and participation. New strategies and new designs are required to make political discussion the constructive force our ideals prescribe. His book initiates an urgent dialogue which any thoughtful citizen should be interested in.” –James S. Fishkin, author of the forthcoming When the People Speak: Deliberative Democracy and Public Consultation

“Harvard law professor Sunstein (Radicals in Robes) explores the nature of group decision making, largely expounding on his contention that homogenous groups of like-minded people tend to adopt more extreme positions than groups with a diversity of opinions…. As President Obama’s nominee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Sunstein’s ideas…[have] attained a level of national importance.”–Publishers Weekly


Why do people become extremists? What makes people become so dismissive of opposing views? Why is political and cultural polarization so pervasive in America? Why do groups of teenagers, investors, and corporations take unnecessary risks? What leads groups to engage in such destructive acts as terrorism and ethic cleansing?

In Going to Extremes, renowned legal scholar and best-selling author Cass Sunstein offers startling insights into why and when people gravitate toward extremism. Sunstein marshals an abundance of evidence that shows that when like-minded people talk to one another, they tend to become more extreme in their views than they were before. This point applies to such diverse groups as religious organizations, corporate boards, investment clubs, and White House officials. Sunstein introduces original research to show that when liberals are brought together to debate affirmative action, they end up more supportive of it, while conservatives brought together to discuss same-sex unions become skeptical about same-sex unions. In courtrooms, radio stations, and chatrooms, enclaves of like-minded people are breeding ground for extreme movements.









A Failure of CapitalismA Failure of Capitalism: The Crisis of ’08 and the Descent into Depression, by Richard A. Posner. Harvard University Press 2009. ISBN-10: 0674035143; ISBN-13: 9780674035140


From the Publisher

The financial and economic crisis that began in 2008 is the most alarming of our lifetime because of the warp-speed at which it is occurring. How could it have happened, especially after all that we’ve learned from the Great Depression? Why wasn’t it anticipated so that remedial steps could be taken to avoid or mitigate it? What can be done to reverse a slide into a full-blown depression? Why have the responses to date of the government and the economics profession been so lackluster? Richard Posner presents a concise and non-technical examination of this mother of all financial disasters and of the, as yet, stumbling efforts to cope with it. No previous acquaintance on the part of the reader with macroeconomics or the theory of finance is presupposed. This is a book for intelligent generalists that will interest specialists as well.

Among the facts and causes Posner identifies are: excess savings flowing in from Asia and the reckless lowering of interest rates by the Federal Reserve Board; the relation between executive compensation, short-term profit goals, and risky lending; the housing bubble fuelled by low interest rates, aggressive mortgage marketing, and loose regulations; the low savings rate of American people; and the highly leveraged balance sheets of large financial institutions.

Posner analyzes the two basic remedial approaches to the crisis, which correspond to the two theories of the cause of the Great Depression: the monetarist—that the Federal Reserve Board allowed the money supply to shrink, thus failing to prevent a disastrous deflation—and the Keynesian—that the depression was the product of a credit binge in the 1920’s, a stock-market crash, and the ensuing downward spiral in economic activity. Posner concludes that the pendulum swung too far and that our financial markets need to be more heavily regulated.

杨国斌:The Power of the Internet in China

The Power of the Internet in ChinaThe Power of the Internet in China: Citizen Activism Online by Guobin Yang, Columbia University Press, June 2009

Since the mid-1990s, the Internet has revolutionized popular expression in China, enabling users to organize, protest, and influence public opinion in unprecedented ways. Despite efforts to control these activities, online activism has been an agent of immense social change, allowing common citizens to disseminate content and openly challenge the authority of political and economic elites.

Guobin Yang’s pioneering study follows the rise of this dynamic protest and the forces that keep it relevant and unique. Online activism encompasses an innovative range of rituals, genres, and styles, and state efforts to constrain it have only led to more creative acts of subversion. Internet businesses have encouraged these contentious activities, generating an unusual synergy between capitalism and civil organizations that sponsor critique. Based on ten years of meticulous research and grounded in theories of social movements and the public sphere, Yang’s study emphasizes the mutual shaping of technology and society and highlights the important role of a transnational diaspora in the making of a Chinese Internet culture. In conclusion, Yang argues that online activism reflects important structural changes in contemporary China and points to a new era of informational politics.

Guobin Yang is an associate professor in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures at Barnard College, Columbia University. He is coeditor, with Ching Kwan Lee, of Re-envisioning the Chinese Revolution: The Politics and Poetics of Collective Memories in Reform China.

“A boundary-breaking book. . . . A snap review of some of the hottest issues in front of the Chinese public today.” — Daniel Little, Understanding Society

“Mr. Yang’s work is essential reading.” — Rebecca MacKinnon, Far Eastern Economic Review

“This work represents a major advancement in scholarly research. . . unquestionably, it should be on reading lists for courses related to social and political development in China. . . it is highly recommended to all. ” — Jonathan Sullivan, The China Quarterly

“Of interest to sociologists and students of mass communications . . . Recommended.” — Choice

“Essential reading for all those seeking a more nuanced account of the power of the internet in China than that provided by international media and human rights organizations.” — Colin Hawes, The China Journal

“Yang develops a lens that centers on concrete issues and situations that are both empirical-practical and conceptual-theoretical.” — Peter Marolt, International Journal of Communication

“The Power of the Internet in China by Yang Guobin is destined to be classic and obligatory reading for anyone interested in understanding the role of the internet in people’s struggle for freedom, justice, and democracy in China.” — Lokman Tsui, China Information

“The Power of the Internet in China offers us not only a rich study of Chinese

online activism but also raises significant questions about China’s civil society.” — Ming-Cheng Miriam Lo, Contemporary Sociology

“An attentive and richly detailed study of the Chinese Internet—certainly the best book I’ve read on the subject. Guobin Yang does a very fine job of summarizing new developments and vividly describing a variety of online communities.” — Patricia M. Thornton, University of Oxford

“In today’s China, who benefits more from the power of the Internet: citizen activists or state authorities? Guobin Yang comes down decisively on the side of the citizenry, seeing online activism as the revival of a Chinese revolutionary spirit that is setting the stage for the long-awaited democratic breakthrough. Although the conclusion of this richly documented study is certainly controversial, the careful research and clear reasoning are incontrovertible. Whether or not Yang’s optimistic prognosis proves correct, his excellent scholarship and engaging style make for an impressive contribution to a timely debate.” — Elizabeth J. Perry, Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government, Harvard University

“Much has been written about the role the Internet has played in political campaigns and grassroots politics in America, but the real transformative power of the Internet can be seen in places like China and Iran, where authoritarian governments are faced with the irreversible power of individuals coming together online. This book gives an in-depth look at the explosion of Internet use in China and the dramatic political and cultural changes it has enabled. The ultimate instrument of individual empowerment is remaking one of the most controlling societies on earth. What Chinese leadership will be forced to recognize is that this democratic surge must be accommodated. Failure to do so will either stop economic development or result in the current regime’s loss of power.” — Governor Howard Dean

“Transformations in China and transformations of communication are two of the great stories of the contemporary era. They come together in Guobin Yang’s outstanding study of online activism in the People’s Republic. The Internet expands activists’ sense of themselves as participants in global movements, and it is used in distinctively Chinese ways. It circulates repertoires of collective action and occasions new forms of action. In this well-researched and well-written book, Yang gives the best account available of this experimentation, innovation, and social change.” — Craig Calhoun, president, Social Science Research Council, and University Professor of the Social Sciences, New York University






《法律和社会科学》(Law and Social Sciences)第四卷,苏力主编,法律出版社2009年,定价33元。



张五常论新劳动法 / 张五常
中国律师产业实证研究——从进入壁垒切入 / 李国庆
中国司法执行难的计量分析 / 唐应茂 盛柳刚
关于海瑞定理Ι / 苏力
刑事诉讼中计件考核 / 朱桐辉



  自从严复编译出《天演论》,赫胥黎(Thomas Henry Huxley,一八二五 —— 一八九五)这个名字,在中国便尽人皆知。《天演论》起首一句“赫胥黎独处于一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野。槛外诸境,历历如在几下”,便使这位进化论斗士霍地跻身周秦诸子的行列了。赫胥黎于一八九五年谢世,五年之后,他的儿子列奥纳多·赫胥黎编辑整理了一部《赫胥黎生平与书信》(Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley),分上下两卷于一九〇〇年在伦敦出版。这部千余页的大书详细记录了赫胥黎一生各阶段的大事,特别是刊出了他与亲友的大批通信,成为研究赫胥黎生平和思想的必读书。翻阅这部书时,首先让我感到惊奇的,是赫胥黎平日在与亲朋友好的通信中,纯熟地运用了不少《圣经》典故,而且用典极为贴切。我们所熟悉的那个赫胥黎,是进化论的斗士、宗教的大敌。在他的晚年,对于基督教的批评异常严厉。但是,《圣经》之于他,或许还有更加复杂的意义。因此,确有必要勾勒一下赫胥黎对于《圣经》的态度。

  赫胥黎在晚年撰写过一篇简短的《自述》,提到自己年幼时,对所在教区的牧师崇拜得五体投地。某周日,全家赴教堂作礼拜,只有年幼的赫胥黎留守家中。没想到他竟然在厨房里另辟一座讲坛,向家中女佣慷慨激昂地布起道来。他成年后那种好为人师、喜爱传道授业的秉性始见于此。像其他维多利亚时代的英国人一样,赫胥黎熟谙《圣经》,不少段落烂熟于胸,在其著作和书信中随心所欲地频频运用《圣经》典故。下面谨举三个例子,以见他对《圣经》的熟稔和喜爱。一八四五年,赫胥黎从医学院毕业,经人举荐,在海军部谋到助理医师的职位,二十一岁便随“响尾蛇号”科学考察船远赴大洋洲。在随后四年时间里,他写下大量家信。考察船出发不久,赫胥黎就给他的大姐写信报平安,信中自比《旧约》先知书中的约拿(Jonah)。约拿被人抛入海中,为大鱼吞噬,在鱼腹中栖身三日三夜(《约拿书》1 :17)。赫胥黎向家人诉苦,说自己居住的船舱空间狭小,十分逼仄,论到住宿条件,鱼腹中的约拿还要胜我一筹。四年远航结束后,赫胥黎回到伦敦,一心想投入科学研究。但他很快发现,献身学术根本无法糊口。他在给大姐的信中抱怨道:“靠科学研究来谋生实在是一个笑话……一位科学家可以赢得声誉,却无法赚来面包。”他接下来又说:“如今的科学家就如以扫(Esau)一般,为了一碗汤不得不出卖自己长子的名分。”以扫的典故出自《创世记》第二十五章,说的是亚伯拉罕的儿子以撒有一对双胞胎儿子,长子以扫善打猎,次子雅各为人安静。一日,以扫又累又饿,恳求弟弟将红豆汤给自己充饥。雅各遂趁机迫使兄长将长子的名分卖给自己。这一时期,赫胥黎确曾考虑过放弃科学研究,在另一封信中他就抱怨说,银行职员的工资都要比大学教授优厚。直到晚年写《自述》,赫胥黎仍不忘拿《圣经》故事来打趣。他回忆自己当初在“响尾蛇号”上,将远航期间所作的科学发现写成文章,投寄给英国博物学协会的刊物,但稿件频频遭拒。赫胥黎就将自己被拒的稿子比做挪亚在方舟中放出的乌鸦。挪亚放乌鸦是为了测试洪水是否消退。但洪水漫漫,乌鸦无处栖身,只得返回方舟,正仿佛赫胥黎屡遭退稿的命运。等他所寄一篇长文被皇家协会采用后,赫胥黎打趣说“这就是我那只鸽子”。这是指洪水消退之后,挪亚最后放出鸽子,鸽子见到陆地,不复飞还,而赫胥黎的文章这一次也真正找到了“栖身之所”。赫胥黎对《圣经》典故信手拈来,皆有妙趣,可见《圣经》对他影响之深。










哈佛法学新刊 Journal of Legal Analysis 免费阅读

Harvard Law School

Harvard University Press Announces First Open Access Journal

In partnership with the John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business at Harvard Law School, Harvard University Press will launch the Journal of Legal Analysis, its first foray into online, Open Access publishing, at noon on Tuesday, February 3, 2009. “Harvard University Press’s mission has always been the dissemination of first-rate scholarship to the widest possible audience; we are thrilled that technology has enabled us to further that mission in ways never imagined when the Press was founded in 1913,” says Press director Bill Sisler. Robert Darnton, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the Harvard University Library, elaborates: “Possibilities opened up by the internet are transforming the whole landscape of publishing, especially in the realm of academic journals. By taking this step, Harvard University Press has signaled its determination to participate in the transformation and to do so in a way that will promote the diffusion of first-rate scholarship.”

The Journal of Legal Analysis (JLA) aspires to publish the best legal scholarship from all disciplinary perspectives and in all styles, whether verbal, formal, or empirical. The JLA is faculty edited. All articles are subject to peer review. JLA articles are free on the web and will be posted on the JLA website as soon as they are ready for publication. Published articles will be gathered into bound volumes once a year and made available for purchase.

Harvard University Press published academic journals in the past but ceased doing so about three decades ago because journal publishing no longer fit in with the overall strategy at that time. The development of an online journal publishing program has long been a goal of HUP Editor-in-Chief, Michael Fisher, who explored a variety of possible co-publishing ventures with other departments at the University.

When, in the summer of 2007, Steven Shavell, Director of the John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business, and Mark Ramseyer, Mitsubishi Professor of Japanese Legal Studies, approached Senior Acquisitions Editor in the Social Sciences at HUP, Mike Aronson, with the idea of starting a journal, Aronson and Fisher were thrilled. “With the emergence of online journal publishing and Open Access, the cost of entry into journal publishing is lower than it’s ever been,” says Fisher. “With an online OA journal a publisher does not have to spend start-up money recruiting subscribers, does not need a subscription-fulfillment operation, does not even have to print the journal. The fact that we can work with the Law School to jointly further the University’s scholarly mission while spending less in the current economic climate is very, very exciting for us.”

For Ramseyer, the JLA represents a landmark in law journal publishing, one that fills a gap left by the student-edited law reviews. “Until JLA, there has not been a faculty-edited, peer-reviewed journal that covered the whole span of the legal academy. There have been faculty-edited journals for subfields, but not for the entire discipline. With the JLA, we are trying to create a faculty-edited journal that will be the flagship journal for the law school faculty as a whole.”

Stuart Shieber, Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science and current Faculty Director of the Office for Scholarly Communication, was happy to congratulate the Press on finally achieving its goal: “Harvard University Press’s reentry into journal publishing through the Journal of Legal Analysis represents an exciting development in the burgeoning world of Open Access journal publishing. HUP’s efforts are to be applauded for both their quality and their accessibility.”

According to Dan Lee, Director of Digital Content Development at HUP, “the JLA is the first of many Digital Publishing initiatives to come from HUP. A successful implementation of this publishing model should translate into similar ventures with other departments and institutions—whether new journals, online monographs, or hybrid projects incorporating the best of new scholarship with cutting edge web applications. It’s important that HUP bring its editorial, production, and marketing expertise to bear by working together with the University to help set new precedents in the creation and dissemination of scholarly publications in the digital world.”

For more information, please visit the JLA at http://jla.hup.harvard.edu.

Source link




  近三十年来,中国发表的有关民主的著述不少,但其中绝大多数都属于“处方”式的工作。这些著述的作者大多对西方民主的具体运作机制及存在条件不甚了了,许多人也没有足够丰富的西方生活经历,但都把西方在二十世纪的强盛和发展看作是民主的成果,并把中国社会在不同时期存在的各种问题看作缺乏民主的表现。“只有民主才能实现中国的经济发展”、“只有民主才能消除官员腐败”、“只有民主才能解决社会收入不平等”、“只有民主才能解决环境污染问题”、“ 只有民主才能解决公共卫生和食品危机”,如此等等,不一而足。在这种思维方式下,“民主是个好东西”似乎成了一个不容争辩的铁理。


民主四讲  《民主四讲》在学术上质量上乘,但书中的一些观点我却不尽赞同。为了深化对于民主和民主转型的认识,笔者在此抛砖引玉,提出以下分析供参考。





☆ 文革為什麼會在中國發生?並持續十年之久?
☆ 文革每一階段政治鬥爭的主線、代表人物、標誌性的政治事件。
☆ 文革怎樣結束?失敗的原因。
☆ 如何評價文革?毛澤東的自我評價與歷史評價有何不同?


☆ 文革史例來受到廣泛關注。雖然出版了各種回憶錄和專案分析,但整體貫穿起來的宏觀分析,只有嚴家其、高皋出過一本。
☆ 胡鞍鋼一直是大陸決策高級智囊,得以接觸大量文件和內部資料。作者理論素養深厚,參與改革政策制定,指揮團隊利用和挖掘大量資料,無論從認識的深度還是資料的佔有上,這本書都是迄今為止最權威的一本。
☆ 本書以史實為基礎,以事件為線索,以分析為手段,以評論為精華,「邊讀邊議」,「邊敘邊評」,行雲流水,可讀性極強。



理查德·波斯纳法官的《法官如何思考》(How Judges Think)一书是今年四月哈佛大学出版社出版的,已经被苏力老师以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势译成中文,中译本于2009年1月由北京大学出版社出版(ISBN:9787301147535,定价39元)。敬请留意。@豆瓣








  这部以译文为主体的读本有一个与众不同之处。编者并非要出版一部研究资料汇编,而是准备为青年学子提供一部研读西方古籍的“指南” 或者“导读”。在“弁言”中,编者雄心勃勃地写道:“《古典诗文绎读》打破现代化的学科分割,以可读性强的原典绎读开学养正,不仅为人文科学的本科生也为社会科学各专业本科生提供通识教育基础读本,亦可供理工农医学生休闲。”(上卷第2页)大哉斯言!但是大学本科生在读过《绎读》之后,果真能受到西方古典学的启蒙、果真能窥西学的门径吗?我看未必。《绎读》在很多方面都未达“通识教育基础读本”的要求,最显著的缺陷有三方面:一曰门户之见太深,二曰选编尺度不明,三曰学术规范不讲。

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