
Richard A. Posner, Economic Analysis of Law, 9th Edition.

Richard A. Posner, Economic Analysis of Law, 9th Edition. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2014. ISBN: 9781454833888.

Lucid, comprehensive, and definitive in its field, this text covers every aspect of economic analysis of the law.


  • Two new chapters, one on intellectual property, one on international and comparative law, both exploding fields of great importance.
  • Earlier editions’ questions have been converted to answers, making the book more accessible and informative.
  • Revised to be clearer and less technical.
  • More eclectic, reflecting recent criticisms of “rational choice” theory, in particular the need to supplement it with insights from psychology.
  • Greater attention paid to judicial behavior, realistically modeled and explained in economic terms.
  • Incorporates insights from the veritable explosion of books and articles published in the last few years on economic analysis of law.

Richard A. Posner is a judge of the U.S. Court Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. He is the author of numerous books, including Overcoming Law, a New York Times Book Review editors’ choices for best book of 1995 and An Affair of State: The Investigation, Impeachment, and Trial of President Clinton, one of Times‘ choices for Best Book of the Year in 1999 and a Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist, 2000.


Richard A. Posner 法官和 William M. Landes 教授是美国法律经济学阵营中的两位旗手式的人物,也是一对学术上的老搭档。继1987合作出版了The Economic Structure of Tort Law之后,去年又共同出版了 The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law 一书。(目前,这两本书的中译本都正在翻译之中。)

与上面的“大部头”专著不同,Posner 法官这篇“The Law & Economics of Intellectual Property”(发表于 Dædalus 杂志2002年春季号)是一篇高屋建瓴、简明扼要——连注释都没用——同时又不乏洞见的论文,在某种意义上甚至可以说是The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law一书的梗概。记得冯象老师在谈到学术写作规范时,曾经说这篇文章是一个可供学习的范本。现分享在此:
