Lawrence Lessig

《代码》Code 2.0 中译本出版

Code 2.0 中译本Lawrence Lessig:《代码2.0:网络空间中的法律》(李旭、沈伟伟译,清华大学出版社,2009年)

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本书是对一本旧作的翻新——事实上,按互联网时代的计时标准,就是对一本古籍的翻新。早在1999年,《代码》第一版就已问世。第一版诞生于一个与如今大相径庭的时代背景,而且,在许多方面上,它与当时的时代背景格格不入。正如第一章所述,主张互联网独立的吹捧者们普遍认为: 现实空间的种种规制不应延伸到网络空间。政府不能干涉人们的网络生活。因此,网络生活将被归为另类,并将摆脱现实生活中的种种规制,《代码》第一版正是对当时这种观点的反驳。

近几年来,上述主流观点已逐渐退出历史舞台。而对于那些主张互联网独立的吹捧者们来说,他们的信心也随之瓦解。互联网将继续不受规制,这一观点,甚至说这一欲望,业已消逝殆尽。于是,在接到翻新这本书的邀请时,我面临一个两难的选择: 是重写新书,还是翻新旧书,以使其能够在这个截然不同的新时代中传承前作而又通俗易懂?


然而,有一件事情我并没有做,那便是将其他人研究过的相关论述纳入本书。我没有屈从这样一股极度强烈的诱惑: 重新写一本书来回应那些评论,无论是赞成还是反对。我在注释中指出了一些评论,以供参考。那些想看看回应是如何完成的人可以按图索骥。不过,即使是在本书第一版发表之时,它也仅仅是那场大辩论中的一小部分。因此,你不应该只读我的著述而排斥后续的杰作。有两本书对这里的论述做出了恰当的补充,分别是杰克·戈德史密斯(Jack Goldsmith)和蒂姆·吴(Tim Wu)合著的《谁在控制网络?》 (2006) ,以及尤查·本科勒(Yochai Benkler)的《网络的财富》 (2006) 。还有一本书,由乔纳森·茨特瑞恩(Jonathan Zittrain)所著,近期将出版,它将对这些观点做出重大延伸。

同时,我并未把第一版中切实的或是可疑的错误观点一一罗列。我对于一部分错误观点做出了完全的修正,而对于另一部分“错误”观点我则继续保留。之所以保留这部分“错误”观点,是因为无论别人作何感想,在我看来,它们准确无误。而其中最关键的一个“错误”观点是: 在数字认证技术的支持下,网络的基础构架将逐渐变得更加易于控制和规制。同仁们把这个“错误”称为“弥天大谎”。但事实并非如此。我无法确定1999年的时候我的眼界能看清多长时间内的远景,我也承认书中的某些预言尚未发生。但是,现如今我更加笃信这一观点,于是,我选择继续坚持这个“根本错误”。也许,我们可以依此来打赌: 如果我是正确的,那么我将得到大家的理解。如果我是错误的,那么我们将得到这样一个互联网,它与其最初设计的价值理念结合得更加紧密。

New Book: Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. By Lawrence Lessig

Remix:Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid EconomyRemix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy, by Lawrence Lessig

Penguin Press, 2008. Hardcover: 352 pages. ISBN: 1594201722; 9781594201721.


The author of Free Culture shows how we harm our children—and almost anyone who creates, enjoys, or sells any art form—with a restrictive copyright system driven by corporate interests. Lessig reveals the solutions to this impasse offered by a collaborative yet profitable “hybrid economy”.

Lawrence Lessig, the reigning authority on intellectual property in the Internet age, spotlights the newest and possibly the most harmful culture war—a war waged against our kids and others who create and consume art. America’s copyright laws have ceased to perform their original, beneficial role: protecting artists’ creations while allowing them to build on previous creative works. In fact, our system now criminalizes those very actions.

For many, new technologies have made it irresistible to flout these unreasonable and ultimately untenable laws. Some of today’s most talented artists are felons, and so are our kids, who see no reason why they shouldn’t do what their computers and the Web let them do, from burning a copyrighted CD for a friend to “biting” riffs from films, videos, songs, etc and making new art from them.

Criminalizing our children and others is exactly what our society should not do, and Lessig shows how we can and must end this conflict—a war as ill conceived and unwinnable as the war on drugs. By embracing “read-write culture,” which allows its users to create art as readily as they consume it, we can ensure that creators get the support—artistic, commercial, and ethical—that they deserve and need. Indeed, we can already see glimmers of a new hybrid economy that combines the profit motives of traditional business with the “sharing economy” evident in such Web sites as Wikipedia and YouTube. The hybrid economy will become ever more prominent in every creative realm—from news to music—and Lessig shows how we can and should use it to benefit those who make and consume culture.

Remix is an urgent, eloquent plea to end a war that harms our children and other intrepid creative users of new technologies. It also offers an inspiring vision of the post-war world where enormous opportunities await those who view art as a resource to be shared openly rather than a commodity to be hoarded.

About the Author

Lawrence Lessig is a Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and founder of the School’s Center for Internet and Society. He is the author of Free Culture, The Future of Ideas, and Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, and is a columnist at Wired. He chairs the Creative Commons project and has won numerous awards, including the Free Software Foundation’s Freedom Award. He was named one of Scientific American’s Top 50 Visionaries and has also been listed as one of BusinessWeek’s “eBiz 25,” the magazine’s roundup of the twenty-five most influential people in electronic business, several times.

劳伦斯·莱斯格:《代码》[Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace]

更新:Code 2.0 中译本出版

代码劳伦斯·莱斯格(Lawrence Lessig):《代码:塑造网络空间的法律》(Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace)。李旭、姜丽楼、王文英译。中信出版社,2004年10月。

目 录


第一部分 可规制性

第一章 代码就是法律
第二章 网络空间的四道难题
第三章 网络空间的实然与必然
第四章 控制的架构
第五章 规制代码

第二部分 代码及其他规制者

第六章 网络空间
第七章 何物在规制
第八章 开放代码对政府规制的限制

第三部分 应用举例

第九章 解释
第十章 知识产权
第十一章 隐私
第十二章 自由言论
第十三章 小结
第十四章 主权

第四部分 回应

第十五章 我们所面临的问题
第十六章 迪克莱恩没有意识到什么

