沈明 · Ming Shen

沈明,独立学者,现旅居美国麻省波士顿地区。 曾任上海财经大学法学院和北京师范大学法学院讲师,哥伦比亚大学法学院 Edwards 研究员,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院 Rajawali 研究员,波士顿学院、(美国)东北大学访问学者、伦敦玛丽皇后大学访问讲师。研究领域涉及法律社会学、法律经济学、知识产权、中国政治改革与民主转型。曾主编“社会思想译丛”。

沈明Dr. Ming SHEN is an independent scholar of Chinese politics and law. He taught at law schools of Shanghai University of Finance & Economics and Beijing Normal University. He has been Rajawali Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, Edwards Fellow at Columbia Law School, and visiting scholar at Boston College and Northeastern University. He now lives with his family in greater Boston area, Massachusetts. Education: Ph.D. (Peking); LL.M. (Harvard).

Email: mingshen@post.harvard.edu

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Ming Shen @ Scholar.Harvard.Edu

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