推荐 Student’s Guides to the Major Disciplines 丛书

Intercollegiate Studies Institute 是美国的一个非营利教育机构,它组织出版的《大学生学科指南》(Student’s Guides to the Major Disciplines)丛书,包括法律、经济学、哲学、文学、历史、心理学、政治哲学等十余个小册子。丛书由各个学科领域内的知名学者撰写,内容深入浅出,高屋建瓴,涵盖各学科历史、主要思想及经典著作评介。这套书对于有兴趣了解西学的中国学生来说,也是入门的好帮手。特此推荐。

A Student’s Guide to Psychology, by Daniel N. Robinson
A Student’s Guide to American Political Thought, by George W. Carey
A Student’s Guide to U.S. History, by Wilfred M. McClay
A Student’s Guide to the Study of History, by John Lukacs
A Student’s Guide to Classics, by Bruce S. Thornton
A Student’s Guide to Economics, by Paul Heyne
A Student’s Guide to Literature, by R. V. Young
A Student’s Guide to Philosophy, by Ralph M. McInerny
A Student’s Guide to the Core Curriculum, by Mark C. Henrie
A Student’s Guide to Liberal Learning, by James V. Schall
A Student’s Guide to the Study of Law, by Gerard V. Bradley
A Student’s Guide to Political Philosophy, by Harvey C. Mansfield

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1 Comment

  1. gonfalonier · 2008-12-1

    so great