Lessig 教授新书 Remix 依 CC 协议开放下载
Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy, by Lawrence Lessig
Publication: October 2008
Paperback: 352 pages
ISBN: 978-1408113479
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‘Lessig’s proposals for revising copyright are compelling, because they rethink intellectual property rights without abandoning them.’
Briefly Noted The New Yorker
‘Lessig… has written a splendid combative manifesto – pungent, witty and persuasive.’
Financial Times
‘… Lessig is surely right that digital culture requires governance that is more subtle and ecological, judging a balance of forces between commerce and community, than precise and draconian.’
Books of the Week, The Independent
‘Prof Lessig is formidably qualified…his latest book, REMIX will enhance his cult status on the web.’
The Guardian
Table of Contents
* Preface
* Introduction
* Part I: Cultures
* Chapter 1: Cultures of our Past
RW v. RO Culture
Limits in Regulation
* Chapter 2: Cultures of our Future
* Chapter 3: RO, Extended
Nature remade
Re-remaking Nature
Recoding Us
* Chapter 4: RW, Revived
Writing beyond words
Remixed: Text
Remixed: Media
The Significance of Remix
The Old in the New
* Chapter 5: Cultures Compared
Differences in Value – and “values”
Differences in Value (as in $)
Differences in Value (as in “Is it any good?”)
Differences in Law (as in “Is it Allowed?”)
Lessons about cultures
* Part II: Economies
* Chapter 6: Two Economies: Commercial and Sharing
Commercial Economies
Three Successes from the Internet’s Commercial Economy
Three keys to these three Internet successes
The Character of Commercial Success
Sharing Economies
Internet sharing economies
The Paradigm Case: Wikipedia
Beyond Wikipedia
What Sharing Economies Share
* Chapter 7: Hybrid Economies
The Paradigm Case: Free Software
Beyond Free Software..
* Chapter 8: Economy Lessons
Parallel economies are possible
Tools help signal which economy a creator creates for
Crossovers are growing
Strong incentives will increasingly drive commercial entities to hybrids
Strong Incentives will push “sharing economies” to hybrids
Perceptions of fairness will in part mediate the hybrid relationship between sharing and commercial economies
Sharecropping is not likely to become a term of praise
Part III Enabling the Future
* Chapter 9: Reforming Law
Deregulating Amateur Creativity
Clear Title
Decriminalizing the Copy
Decriminalizing File-sharing
* Chapter 10: Reforming Us
Chilling the Control Freaks
Showing Sharing
Rediscovering the Limits of Regulation
* Conclusion
* Acknowledgments
* Endnotes
* Index