Posts by: 爱德布克


塞林格肯定是一个奇人,其中一奇是他对自己作品的封面设计要求极为苛刻,不过他作品的(美国版)封面却多不好看,比如代表作 The Catcher in the Rye 的封面,我就无论如何喜欢不起来:

The Catcher in the Rye

Before his death, JD Salinger’s publisher, Hamish Hamilton, worked with him to produce jackets for reissues of his books (originally planned for June, they are now due out next month). …

Simon Prosser, publishing director, Hamish Hamilton: “There are strict rules about JD Salinger’s covers. The only copy allowed on the books, back or front, is the author name and the title. Nothing else at all: no quotes, no cover blurb, no biography. We’re not really sure why this is, but it gives you definite guidelines. Last year we decided it was probably time to re-design the covers, and we wanted a unique typeface that stood out. We commissioned Seb Lester, the highly regarded type designer, to hand-draw a font; that font, on the cover of these re-issues, is a one-off and is known in-house here at Hamish Hamilton as the ‘Salinger’.”

这套新封面是 Seb Lester 设计的,相当赏心悦目:

For Esmé – with Love and Squalor
This collection, originally published as Nine Stories in the US in 1953, contains some of Salinger’s greatest short fiction, including the title story (first published in the New Yorker in 1950), in which an army sergeant recalls his meeting with a young girl before he was sent to war, and A Perfect Day for Bananafish, the first of Salinger’s stories of the Glass family.


Richard Posner, “1937, 2010,” The New Republic, February 17, 2010.

评论的书是 Supreme Power: Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court, by Jeff Shesol (W.W. Norton, 2010, 656 pp., $27.95)

Supreme Power: Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court

In 1937 President Roosevelt tried to “pack” the Supreme Court–increase its size so that he could fill the vacancies thus created with liberals, who would shift the balance of power from the conservative majority that had invalidated a number of New Deal laws. Surprisingly–considering the overwhelming margin by which Roosevelt had been re-elected in 1936, the Democrats’ lock on both houses of Congress, and the pertinacity with which he pushed his plan–the Court-packing bill never even came to a vote.


The Real Danger of Debt
The United States is deep in the red — and doesn’t have the political tools to get out.

In 2000, the United States had a balanced federal budget. Today, America has a deficit problem that threatens the country’s future. It is compounded by former President George W. Bush’s fiscal recklessness, the economic crisis that began with September 2008’s financial collapse, President Barack Obama’s spending ambitions, and the mysterious ability of the weakened Republican Party to create political deadlock in Congress.

奥斯丁·萨拉特等编《法律与人文导论》[Law and the Humanities: An Introduction]

Law and the Humanities: An IntroductionLaw and the Humanities: An Introduction, edited by Austin Sarat, Matthew Anderson, Cathrine O. Frank, Cambridge University Press 2009.


Book Description

Law and the Humanities: An Introduction brings together a distinguished group of scholars from law schools and from an array of the disciplines in the humanities. Contributors come from the United States and abroad in recognition of the global reach of this field. This book is, at one and the same time, a stock-taking of different national traditions and of the various modes and subjects of law and humanities scholarship. It is also an effort to chart future directions for the field. By reviewing and analyzing existing scholarship and providing thematic content and distinctive arguments, it offers to its readers both a resource and a provocation. Thus, Law and the Humanities marks the maturation of this “law and” enterprise and will spur its further development.

Table of contents

Contributors / ix
Acknowledgments / xi
Introduction: On the Origins and Prospects of the Humanistic Study of Law / Austin Sarat, Matthew Anderson, and Cathrine O. Frank / 1
1 A Humanities of Resistance: Fragments for a Legal History of Humanity / Costas Douzinas / 49
2 Three Tales of Two Texts: An Introduction to Law and the Humanities / Kathryn Abrams / 73
3 Law, Culture, and Humility / Steven L. Winter / 98

4 Biblical Justice: The Passion of the God of Justice / Chaya Halberstam / 125
5 Ideas of Justice: Natural and Human / Catherine Kellogg / 141
6 Ideas of Justice: Positive / Matthew Noah Smith / 161
7 Postmodern Justice / Peter Goodrich / 188

8 Imagining the Law: The Novel / Susan Sage Heinzelman / 213
9 Imagining Law as Film (Representation without Reference?) / Richard K. Sherwin / 241
10 Law and Television: Screen Phenomena and Captive Audiences / Susanna Lee / 269
11 Imagining the Law: Art / Christine Haight Farley / 292

12 Language / Penelope Pether / 315
13 Interpretation / Francis J. Mootz III / 339
14 Narrative and Rhetoric / Ravit Reichman / 377
15 Justice as Translation / Harriet Murav / 398
16 The Constitution of History and Memory / Ariela Gross / 416

17 Trials / Lindsay Farmer / 455
18 Testimony, Witnessing / Jan-Melissa Schramm / 478
19 Judgment in Law and the Humanities / Desmond Manderson / 496
20 Punishment / Karl Shoemaker / 517
Index / 531


Beijing’s ongoing efforts to promote growth are infringing on people’s economic and political rights. In order to survive, the Chinese government will have to start allowing ordinary citizens to take part in the political process.

Yang Yao, “The End of the Beijing Consensus,” Foreign Affairs, February 2, 2010.

Since China began undertaking economic reforms in 1978, its economy has grown at a rate of nearly ten percent a year, and its per-capita GDP is now twelve times greater than it was three decades ago. Many analysts attribute the country’s economic success to its unconventional approach to economic policy — a combination of mixed ownership, basic property rights, and heavy government intervention. Time magazine’s former foreign editor, Joshua Cooper Ramo, has even given it a name: the Beijing consensus.

波斯纳、桑斯坦(编)《法律与幸福》[Law and Happiness]

Law and Happiness, edited by Eric A. Posner and Cass R. Sunstein, University of Chicago Press 2010.

Product Description

Law and HappinessSince the earliest days of philosophy, thinkers have debated the meaning of the term happiness and the nature of the good life. But it is only in recent years that the study of happiness – or ‘hedonics’ – has developed into a formal field of inquiry, cutting across a broad range of disciplines and offering insights into a variety of crucial questions of law and public policy. Law and Happiness brings together the best and most influential thinkers in the field to explore the question of what happiness is – and what factors can be demonstrated to increase or decrease it. Martha C. Nussbaum offers an account of the way that hedonics can productively be applied to psychology; Cass R. Sunstein considers the unexpected relationship between happiness and health problems; Matthew Adler and Eric A. Posner view hedonics through the lens of cost-benefit analysis; David A. Weisbach considers the relationship between happiness and taxation; Mark A. Cohen examines the role that crime – and fear of crime – can play in people’s assessment of their happiness; and, other distinguished contributors take similarly innovative approaches to the topic of happiness. The result is a kaleidoscopic overview of this increasingly prominent field, offering surprising new perspectives and incisive analyses that will have profound implications for the law and our lives.



目 录

卷首语 / 《黑客帝国》的隐喻:秩序、法律与自由 / 高鸿钧


社会理论与法学研究 / 於兴中

社会理论之法与法律研究中的社会理论 / [英]罗杰·科特雷尔 / 俗僧 译

法律与法律思想的三次全球化:1850-2000 / [美]邓肯·肯尼迪 / 高鸿钧 译

法院在法律系统中的地位 / [德]尼可拉斯·卢曼 / 陆宇峰 译

作为法律系统核心的司法——卢曼的法律系统论及其启示 / 泮伟江

宪法爱国主义的基本理论 / [德]米勒 / 徐宵飞 译

没有国家的爱国主义?——米勒与他的《宪法爱国主义》 / 翟志勇

埃利希法社会学视野下的法律多元 / 鞠成伟

法律与道德关系的法理辨析——以霍姆斯“法律预测理论”为视角 / 明辉

规训与治理——福柯视野中的现代社会权力形式 / 秦士君

法律有效性的界定——兼论哈贝马斯的法律有效性理论 / 李小萍


法有正条与罪刑不符——《大清律例》“审拟罪名不得擅拟加等”条例考 / 陈新宇

法律与社会理论中的价值批判和理性建构 / 胡水君

联邦制应否基于民族政治自治?——从俄罗斯联邦制与民族主义的关系谈起 / 程雪阳

司法与民主:悖离抑或共生 / 许可

现代性、法律秩序与人的解放——读昂格尔《现代社会中的法律》 / 柯岚

通过网络的协商民主——评桑斯坦的《网络共和国》与《信息乌托邦》 / 毕竞悦

疑难案件与法律推理——麦考密克之《法律推理与法律理论》评析 / 褚国建

卡尔·施米特:现代性与决断论——从海因里希·迈尔的两部作品开始 / 赖骏楠


苏联法学家的命运(二)——维辛斯基不同寻常的一生 / 王志华

宪法爱国主义 / [德]斯登贝格 / 陈克勋 赖骏楠 译

中国大陆哈贝马斯政治法律思想研究文献综述:1978-2008 / 张伟

“社会理论之法与中国语境” 座谈会综述 / 雨轩

编后记 / 慧剑修罗

斯蒂芬·哈里斯:《理解圣经》(Understanding the Bible)第8版


Stephen Harris, Understanding the Bible, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill 2010. ISBN-10: 0073407445; ISBN-13: 9780073407449.

Understanding the BibleOverview

This best-selling nonsectarian guide is designed for students undertaking their first systematic study of the Bible. Placing each book of the Old Testament, Apocrypha, and the New Testament fully in its historical and cultural context, Understanding the Bible acquaints readers with the content as well as the major themes of each biblical book, and familiarizes them with the goals and methods of important scholarship.


英国作家威尔逊(A. N. Wilson)多才多艺,而且多产。他不仅创作小说,还是知名的传记作家,所作《托尔斯泰传》和《C. S. 路易斯传》都是极负盛名的作品。威尔逊对基督教念念不忘,上世纪最后十年间,曾接连出版三部著作:《耶稣传》(Jesus: A Life, 1992),《保罗传》(Paul: The Mind of the Apostle, 1997),《上帝的葬礼》(God’s Funeral, 1999)。最后这一部书讨论的是欧洲十九世纪宗教的衰落,书名来自哈代于二十世纪初年所作的一首诗。前两部书则直探基督教历史本源,分别为创教两位核心人物作传。威尔逊写的虽然是畅销书,但是看他附在书后的参考文献,可知他对于专业学者的研究成果非常熟悉。能广泛涉猎新约研究的各家著述,又不掉书袋,将枯燥的学术问题讲得清楚、有趣,这可算是这两部传记的突出特点。

God's Funeral要想了解耶稣,需先了解保罗。因为新约中的保罗书信,写作时间要早于福音书,是基督教文献中最早论及耶稣的。更重要的是,历史上的耶稣能演化成神学上的“基督”,保罗起了关键作用。新约当中有一部《使徒行传》,算得上是保罗最早的传记。保罗是犹太人,少时来到耶路撒冷,追随法利赛人。一开始,他对于奉耶稣为救世主的新兴教派极端敌视,下手不留情面。《使徒行传》中说他“残害教会,进各人的家,拉着男女下在监里”(8:3),“向主的门徒口吐威吓凶杀的话”(9:1),明显是逼迫早期信徒的急先锋。保罗后来在去大马士革的路上,忽见大光,并听到有声音斥责他的所作所为。那声音又说:“我就是你所逼迫的耶稣。”保罗于是三日之内,目不能视物,不吃也不喝。这便是保罗皈依的经历,在《使徒行传》中记录了三次(第9章、22章和26章)。

Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy. By Joseph E. Stiglitz

Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy, by Joseph E. Stiglitz. W. W. Norton & Company 2010.


NYT: Skepticism for Obama’s Fiscal Policy


Stiglitz’s view of the crisis describes a possible road—a better road—than the one taken by the Obama administration. And his book concludes with broader proposals for a better balance between market and civil society, domestically and globally. What makes Stiglitz special is that, along with Paul Krugman, he is the rare progressive in a profession whose norms resist tampering with the verdicts of markets or the power of private capital and also one of the few world-class technical economists who can write lucidly for a lay audience. The tone of this book is good-humored and public-minded. (Bob Kuttner – The American Prospect)

Product Description

Nobel Prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz explains the current financial crisis—and the coming global economic order. The current global financial crisis carries a “made-in-America” label. In this forthright and incisive book, Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz explains how America exported bad economics, bad policies, and bad behavior to the rest of the world, only to cobble together a haphazard and ineffective response when the markets finally seized up. Drawing on his academic expertise, his years spent shaping policy in the Clinton administration and at the World Bank, and his more recent role as head of a UN commission charged with reforming the global financial system, Stiglitz outlines a way forward building on ideas that he has championed his entire career: restoring the balance between markets and government, addressing the inequalities of the global financial system, and demanding more good ideas (and less ideology) from economists.

Freefall is an instant classic, combining an enthralling whodunit account of the current crisis with a bracing discussion of the broader economic issues at stake. .


The Making of Americans《造就美国人:民主与学校》,[美] E. D. 赫施 著,耶鲁大学出版社,2009年9月第一版。

  美国普通民众缺乏基本国际常识,这方面的笑料不少。在 YouTube 上,如果你输入 Kellie Pickler 这个名字,会发现一段很流行的视频,点击率已接近四百万。凯莉是美国“超女”,2006年《美国偶像》第五季的第六名。在人气正旺的时候,她上了福克斯电视台一档娱乐节目《和小学生比智慧》(Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?)。凯莉抽到一道小学三年级水平的地理题——“布达佩斯是欧洲哪个国家的首都?”审题之后,美女顿时傻了眼。只见她摊开双手,困惑地瞪着大屏幕,说了一句很雷人的话:“我原先还以为‘欧洲’是一个国家呢。”现场观众大笑。无奈,美女只好求助于她的“救星”、小学生内森。答案揭晓:匈牙利(Hungary)。美女的眼睛瞪得更大,并作难以置信状,喃喃自语道:“肚子饿(Hungry)?怎么还有国家叫这名儿?我听说过‘火鸡国’(Turkey)、法国,还真没听说过‘饿肚国’。”观众笑翻。

  弗吉尼亚大学荣休教授赫施(E. D. Hirsch, Jr.)在他2009年的新著《造就美国人》(The Making of Americans: Democracy and Our Schools)中,也提到这个广为流传的段子。这位八十二岁的老先生不是要拿“无知美少女”来打趣,而是再次提醒他的同胞:美国的公共教育已经病入膏肓,再不出重拳,不下猛药,只会继续误人子弟。凯莉就是明证。

  赫施这个名字,对国内的外国文学界来说,并不陌生。上世纪八十年代,当詹明信和伊格尔顿的著作风靡校园时,我们就在各式《文学理论导读》有关解释学那一章,和他提前见过面了。这是因为赫施年轻时写过一本《解释的有效性》(Validity in Interpretation,1967年),对于新批评的所谓“意图谬误”或者伽达默尔的“解释学的视界”,都有所矫正。


社会思想译丛 ★ 新书讯


朱迪斯·贝尔(Judith A. Baer):《女性的法律生活:构建一种女性主义法学》(Our Lives Before the Law: Constructing a Feminist Jurisprudence),熊湘怡译,北京大学出版社2009年。@豆瓣@小组


本书荣获美国政治学会 Victoria Schuck 奖(2000年)






社会思想译丛 ★ 新书讯

重新想象的自由贸易罗伯特·曼戈贝拉·昂格尔(Roberto Mangabeira Unger):《重新想象的自由贸易:劳动的世界分工与经济学方法》(Free Trade Reimagined: The World Division of Labor and the Method of Economics),高健译,北京大学出版社2009年。@豆瓣@小组






波斯纳、维斯巴赫《气候变化的正义》(Climate Change Justice

Climate Change JusticeClimate Change Justice, by Eric A. Posner & David Weisbach. Princeton University Press 2010. @Amazon

Book Description

Climate change and justice are so closely associated that many people take it for granted that a global climate treaty should–indeed, must–directly address both issues together. But, in fact, this would be a serious mistake, one that, by dooming effective international limits on greenhouse gases, would actually make the world’s poor and developing nations far worse off. This is the provocative and original argument of Climate Change Justice. Eric Posner and David Weisbach strongly favor both a climate change agreement and efforts to improve economic justice. But they make a powerful case that the best–and possibly only–way to get an effective climate treaty is to exclude measures designed to redistribute wealth or address historical wrongs against underdeveloped countries.

In clear language, Climate Change Justice proposes four basic principles for designing the only kind of climate treaty that will work–a forward-looking agreement that requires every country to make greenhouse–gas reductions but still makes every country better off in its own view. This kind of treaty has the best chance of actually controlling climate change and improving the welfare of people around the world.

Eric A. Posner is Kirkland & Ellis Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School. David Weisbach is Walter J. Blum Professor of Law and Kearney Director of the Program in Law and Economics, University of Chicago Law School.

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