WIRED: Edward Snowden: The Untold Story
THE MESSAGE ARRIVES on my “clean machine,” a MacBook Air loaded only with a sophisticated encryption package. “Change in plans,” my contact says. “Be in the lobby of the Hotel ______ by 1 pm. Bring a book and wait for ES to find you.”
ES is Edward Snowden, the most wanted man in the world. For almost nine months, I have been trying to set up an interview with him—traveling to Berlin, Rio de Janeiro twice, and New York multiple times to talk with the handful of his confidants who can arrange a meeting. Among other things, I want to answer a burning question: What drove Snowden to leak hundreds of thousands of top-secret documents, revelations that have laid bare the vast scope of the government’s domestic surveillance programs? In May I received an email from his lawyer, ACLU attorney Ben Wizner, confirming that Snowden would meet me in Moscow and let me hang out and chat with him for what turned out to be three solid days over several weeks. It is the most time that any journalist has been allowed to spend with him since he arrived in Russia in June 2013. But the finer details of the rendezvous remain shrouded in mystery. I landed in Moscow without knowing precisely where or when Snowden and I would actually meet. Now, at last, the details are set.
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- Call Me Ed: A Day with Edward Snowden. BY SCOTT DADICH
- How the NSA Almost Killed the Internet. BY STEVEN LEVY
- The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say). BY JAMES BAMFORD
- The Secret War. BY JAMES BAMFORD
- Snowden’s First Move Against the NSA Was a Party in Hawaii. BY KEVIN POULSEN
- How a Crypto ‘Backdoor’ Pitted the Tech World Against the NSA. BY KIM ZETTER
一条消息发送到我的“纯净电脑”上,那是一台 MacBook Air,上面只装了一个复杂的加密软件。“计划有变。”我的联系人说,“下午1点到XXX酒店大厅。带上一本书,等着ES找你。”
ES是爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的简写,他堪称当今世界的“头号通缉犯”。9个月来,我一直在尝试各种能够采访到他的办法——我两次前往柏林和里约热内卢,并多次赶往纽约,为的就是与他的密友沟通,以便安排一次会面。在我渴望了解的诸多问题中,最引人关注的一个是:究竟是什么原因,促使斯诺登泄露了数十万份绝密文件,披露了美国政府规模庞大的本土监控项目?今年5月,我收到斯诺登的代理人、公民自由联盟的律师本·维茨纳(Ben Wizner)发来的邮件。他向我确认,斯诺登同意在莫斯科与我见面。在此后几周的时间内,他抽出整整三天时间与我一起闲逛,一起聊天。自从他2013年6月到达俄罗斯以来,我成为了与他相处时间最长的记者。但我们约会的详细信息依然被神秘的氛围笼罩。我到达莫斯科后,对于他将在何时何地与我见面,完全没有一点消息。但现在,当一切结束之后,所有的细节都可以公之于众。