


本文用“数据主权”(data sovereignty)描述互联网信息巨头们对海量数据的占有和使用,以区别于依托于传统主权理论而衍生出的“互联网主权”“信息主权”(information sovereignty)等概念。如果说后者仍然带有传统国家安全的政治意味,数据主权则是伴随着云计算和大数据挖掘而进入决策者和研究者的视野。它涉及数据的收集、聚合、存储、分析、使用等一系列流程,背后反映了新经济的价值链,反映了数据的商业价值。本文将按照一系列传统范畴辨明数据主权的实质,以及和信息主权之间的显著差别。文中“数据主权者”“互联网企业”等概念将不加区分。





Economic Crisis and Economics’s Crisis: A Critique Inspired by Richard Posner’s Studies



Abstract: As the most severe economic recession after the Great Depression, 2008 economic crisis has turned out to be another depression. The fundamental reason of the calamity is the internal systematic risks of capitalist economy; the crisis therefore symbolizes a remarkable failure of capitalism whose key feature is free market. In addition to governments in charge of economic regulation, economics profession must claim an inescapable responsibility for the bust. In past three or so decades, mainstream economics, particularly macroeconomics and financial theories, have demonstrated serious methodological flaws, hence little useful theoretical achievement. Economics profession disappointed the public very much by its both ex-ante and ex-post performance in regard of the crisis, which suggested economics profession’s own crisis. Current crises of economy and economics provide lessons and revelations for Chinese economy and economics studies. Chinese economists ought to pay alerted attention to epistemological fallacy of market fundamentalism and its harms to economy. Economists and other social scientists are expected to constrain their ideological preconceptions, and to pragmatically face and overcome problems in the real world, while marching toward new knowledge and self-transcendence.
