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High fliers: Books of the Year 2016

The best books of 2016 are about China, language, microbes, hereditary power, inequality and medieval manuscripts

Politics and current affairs

China’s Future. By David Shambaugh. Polity; 195 pages; $19.95 and £14.99
No country has modernised its economy without also becoming a democracy. A respected American political scientist asks whether China can break the mould.















Shelf life

The best books this year are about North Korea, Detroit, Nagasaki and being a pilot

Politics and current affairs

Near and Distant Neighbours: A New History of Soviet Intelligence. By Jonathan Haslam. Oxford University Press; 400 pages; £20

A detailed appraisal of how the Soviet Union handled undercover operations from the communist revolution in 1917 until the end of the cold war. The most gripping chapters focus on the chaos that was unleashed by Josef Stalin.



我们要讨论的书是阿努帕姆·钱德(Anupam Chander)的《电子丝绸之路》。钱德教授任教于美国戴维斯加州大学法学院,是一位网络法与国际贸易法专家。他这本书系耶鲁大学出版社2013年出版。书出自知名学术出版社,封底印有哈佛、耶鲁、哥伦比亚等精英法学院学者(以及美国参议员、WTO官员)的推荐语,不过其文体定位却难说是严格意义上的学术著作。从全书的结构、行文以及特别是文献引证来看,应该说其性质更接近 journalism。话这样讲,并非基于某种所谓的学术自信或自大贬低洋人同行,因为至少“他们是不大敢一把剪刀、一瓶浆糊闯天下的”(借用冯象老师说法)。其实,指出学术味不够浓这一点,虽然算不得赞许但也并未意在贬低。我们知道,与国际商贸与互联网相关的法律研究多属实践性很强的部门法领域,对于这类论题来说,纯学术的、着力追求理论创新的“阳春白雪”型写作很可能只是富有“波西米亚”意味的自娱自乐。立足于严肃的实证材料的分析和研究——而非花拳绣腿或者屠龙术——应该成为法学研究的主流。这一点对当下中国来说格外值得强调,因为门派/语词之争变换了模样,在法学界代代转世生生不息,甚至可以化神奇为腐朽:教义法学和社科法学的战斗本身其实构成了(或者说延续了)政法法学。钱德教授这本书即便在纯学理层面上缺乏建树,但其务实的方法、扎实的材料、多学科视角及其提出的诸多问题与分析仍然具有重要价值。国际商贸与互联网既是当今世界的重大政治经济学问题,也是重大的法律问题。我相信政治法律经济贸易等诸多相关专业的学者,以及对这些问题感兴趣的普通读者,都能从这本书中汲取有益的信息和洞见。以上简单介绍之余,应该说明,笔者的醉翁之意不在作为部门法的国际贸易法研究,而在提取该书宏旨,在一个较为抽象的层面上,即所谓“理论”层面上,略微探讨一下电子丝绸之路、互联网、世界贸易三者之间的关系,进而尝试初步挖掘这种关系所蕴含的政治经济学含义,特别是全球化和与之相反的力量“地方化”之间的张力与互动。可以说,这是形塑当代国际政治和世界经济的结构性力量和基础性动因之一。

New Book: Richard Posner. By William Domnarski

Richard Posner. By William Domnarski. Oxford University Press 2016. ISBN: 9780199332311; 0199332312.

  • The first biographical treatment of the enormously influential Judge Richard Posner
  • Author has unprecedented access to Posner, as well as a wealth of relevant interview subjects and material
  • Domnarski examines the life experience, personality, academic career, jurisprudence, and professional relationships of his subject with depth and clarity
  • A comprehensive and accessible account of a unique judge who has dominated the way law is understood in contemporary America

Richard PosnerJudge Richard Posner is one of the great legal minds of our age, on par with such generation-defining judges as Holmes, Hand, and Friendly. A judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and the principal exponent of the enormously influential law and economics movement, he writes provocative books as a public intellectual, receives frequent media attention, and has been at the center of some very high-profile legal spats. He is also a member of an increasingly rare breed-judges who write their own opinions rather than delegating the work to clerks-and therefore we have unusually direct access to the workings of his mind and judicial philosophy.

New Book: Divergent Paths: The Academy and the Judiciary. By Richard A. Posner

Divergent Paths: The Academy and the Judiciary. By Richard A. Posner. Harvard University Press 2016. ISBN: 9780674286030; 0674286030.

Judges and legal scholars talk past one another, if they have any conversation at all. Academics couch their criticisms of judicial decisions in theoretical terms, which leads many judges—at the risk of intellectual stagnation—to dismiss most academic discourse as opaque and divorced from reality. In Divergent Paths, Richard Posner turns his attention to this widening gap within the legal profession, reflecting on its causes and consequences and asking what can be done to close or at least narrow it.

The shortcomings of academic legal analysis are real, but they cannot disguise the fact that the modern judiciary has several serious deficiencies that academic research and teaching could help to solve or alleviate. In U.S. federal courts, which is the focus of Posner’s analysis of the judicial path, judges confront ever more difficult cases, many involving complex and arcane scientific and technological distinctions, yet continue to be wedded to legal traditions sometimes centuries old. Posner asks how legal education can be made less theory-driven and more compatible with the present and future demands of judging and lawyering.

陈维纲:Confucian Marxism: A Reflection on Religion and Global Justice

Confucian Marxism: A Reflection on Religion and Global JusticeConfucian Marxism: A Reflection on Religion and Global Justice. Brill 2013. ISBN: 9789004228986.

Buttressed by an autocratic system, China’s colossal economic growth over the past decades seems to have had the paradoxical effect of undermining the foundation of Western domination but at the same time invigorating Eurocentricism. In particular, it highlights the current relevance of the central conviction of Weber’s Orient: the absence of civic roots in non-Western societies will create a kind of “uncivic” capitalist system in which one has no choice but to seek to compensate for instabilities through authoritarian institutions. Does this mean that the West may alone afford to harmonize political stability with the universalistic ideal of justice as the basic structure of society? If not, how then is it possible to develop a notion of the primacy of social justice that transcends the limits of liberal democracy? This book aims at addressing these timely questions by drawing on “Confucian Marxism”—a distinctive perspective on civil society.

“That’s capitalism for you.”

The Cambridge History of Capitalism很多人(上至 Bill Gates,下至在下)喜欢阅读《经济学家》杂志,不是没有缘由的。比如这篇针对《剑桥资本主义史》(The Cambridge History of Capitalism)的短评,开头结尾都写得有声有色:

ECONOMICS publishing has recently undergone a great democratisation. High-quality academic writing was once confined to a handful of journals, mostly accessible in academic libraries. The journals still exist, but mostly serve to influence university hiring decisions. Writing has overwhelmingly gone online, where ambitious academics release free working papers, plug them on Twitter, and watch the discussion unfold. Though this democratisation has critics, it has vastly expanded the audience for economics writing.

This, in turn, may prime the market for another throwback: the authoritative collection of essays. For readers whose interest has been piqued online, the anthology provides an appealing way to learn about a range of subjects. “The Cambridge History of Capitalism” is an excellent example of the genre. …

[The Cambridge History of Capitalism is] a thoughtful account of capitalism. Rarely is economic history so accessible. Yet it is unclear who is meant to read it. University libraries will buy a copy, but the material is not especially rigorous by academic standards and is better suited to the ordinary reader. The price, however, is not. At £150, the work may not appeal to the casual economics readers who have benefited most from the online revolution. The publishers will have their reasons: large margins may be earned on limited sales to libraries and rich bankers. There is talk of a paperback version. But the upshot, for the moment at least, is that most readers will turn elsewhere for their economic history. That’s capitalism for you.

Capitalism through the ages: A grand tour



The best books of 2014 were about the South China Sea, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Kaiser Wilhelm II, the publishing of “Ulysses” and capitalism in the 21st century

Politics and current affairs

The People’s Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited. By Louisa Lim. Oxford University Press; 248 pages; $24.95 and £16.99. Buy from Amazon.com
Twenty-five years after the bloodshed in Beijing, new details keep emerging. This reconstruction, by a correspondent for America’s National Public Radio, is as important for Western readers as it is for the new Chinese generation that has grown up since 1989 and knows little of what happened.

The Tyranny of Silence: How One Cartoon Ignited a Global Debate on the Future of Free Speech. By Flemming Rose. Cato Institute; 240 pages; $24.95. Buy from Amazon.com
The culture editor of the Danish newspaper that published cartoons about the Prophet Muhammad in 2005 offers a personal account of the ensuing controversy and what it means for democracy.

New Book: Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to Citizens United. By Zephyr Teachout

Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to Citizens UnitedZephyr Teachout, Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to Citizens United, Harvard University Press 2014. ISBN 9780674050402. 384 pages

When Louis XVI presented Benjamin Franklin with a snuff box encrusted with diamonds and inset with the King’s portrait, the gift troubled Americans: it threatened to “corrupt” Franklin by clouding his judgment or altering his attitude toward the French in subtle psychological ways. This broad understanding of political corruption—rooted in ideals of civic virtue—was a driving force at the Constitutional Convention.

For two centuries the framers’ ideas about corruption flourished in the courts, even in the absence of clear rules governing voters, civil officers, and elected officials. Should a law that was passed by a state legislature be overturned because half of its members were bribed? What kinds of lobbying activity were corrupt, and what kinds were legal? When does an implicit promise count as bribery? In the 1970s the U.S. Supreme Court began to narrow the definition of corruption, and the meaning has since changed dramatically. No case makes that clearer than Citizens United.

In 2010, one of the most consequential Court decisions in American political history gave wealthy corporations the right to spend unlimited money to influence elections. Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion treated corruption as nothing more than explicit bribery, a narrow conception later echoed by Chief Justice Roberts in deciding McCutcheon v. FEC in 2014. With unlimited spending transforming American politics for the worse, warns Zephyr Teachout, Citizens United and McCutcheon were not just bad law but bad history. If the American experiment in self-government is to have a future, then we must revive the traditional meaning of corruption and embrace an old ideal.


社会思想译丛 ★ 新书讯

垄断的秘密:沉没成本与市场结构约翰·萨顿(John Sutton):《垄断的秘密:沉没成本与市场结构》(Sunk Costs and Market Structure: Price Competition, Advertising, and the Evolution of Concentration),艾佳慧、贾绅译,北京大学出版社2014年。ISBN: 9787301242353. @豆瓣 @小组


究提供理论基础。运用当前的博弈理论模型,约翰·萨顿重新检验了传统研究主题。他指出, 尽管许多结果具有“微妙”的性质,但在合理改变



社会思想译丛 ★ 新书讯

法官的裁判之道:以社会心理学视角探析劳伦斯·鲍姆(Lawrence Baum):《法官的裁判之道:以社会心理学视角探析》(Judges and Their Audiences: A Perspective on Judicial Behavior),李国庆译,北京大学出版社2014年。ISBN: 9787301168004. @豆瓣 @小组






理查德·波斯纳文集 ★ 新书讯

资本主义民主的危机理查德·波斯纳:《资本主义民主的危机》(The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy),李晟译,北京大学出版社2014年。@豆瓣 @小组







Francis Fukuyama: Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy.

Francis Fukuyama: Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014. ISBN: 0374227357; 9780374227357.


Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of DemocracyThe second volume of the bestselling landmark work on the history of the modern state

Writing in The Wall Street Journal, David Gress called Francis Fukuyama’s Origins of Political Order “magisterial in its learning and admirably immodest in its ambition.” In The New York Times Book Review, Michael Lind described the book as “a major achievement by one of the leading public intellectuals of our time.” And in The Washington Post, Gerard DeGrott exclaimed “this is a book that will be remembered. Bring on volume two.”

Volume two is finally here, completing the most important work of political thought in at least a generation. Taking up the essential question of how societies develop strong, impersonal, and accountable political institutions, Fukuyama follows the story from the French Revolution to the so-called Arab Spring and the deep dysfunctions of contemporary American politics. He examines the effects of corruption on governance, and why some societies have been successful at rooting it out. He explores the different legacies of colonialism in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, and offers a clear-eyed account of why some regions have thrived and developed more quickly than others. And he boldly reckons with the future of democracy in the face of a rising global middle class and entrenched political paralysis in the West.

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