Beijing’s ongoing efforts to promote growth are infringing on people’s economic and political rights. In order to survive, the Chinese government will have to start allowing ordinary citizens to take part in the political process.
Since China began undertaking economic reforms in 1978, its economy has grown at a rate of nearly ten percent a year, and its per-capita GDP is now twelve times greater than it was three decades ago. Many analysts attribute the country’s economic success to its unconventional approach to economic policy — a combination of mixed ownership, basic property rights, and heavy government intervention. Time magazine’s former foreign editor, Joshua Cooper Ramo, has even given it a name: the Beijing consensus.
Google 声明(《华尔街日报》提供的中文版声明)可能退出中国的举动是值得尊重的,但此举的直接原因并非中国的网络审查(而是那些与C国政府具有呼之欲出之关联的网络攻击),而且就短期来说,Google 在或不在中国,对它而言区别不大(它的不少重要服务和旗下网站,如YouTube、Blogger,在中国被封锁,搜索服务也遭“阉割”)。Google 高级副总裁、首席法务官 David Drummond 说得很清楚:它进入中国“was never really a financial move for us”,而且中国市场给它带来的商业利润“truly immaterial”。所以,有些网友把这事上升到“宁为玉碎不为瓦全”之类的高度,就离谱了,这跟做不做恶也没啥关系。Google 是一家企业,请别强迫它背十字架,这对谁都不好。
2009年10月,在持续一周的时间里,乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)在位于匈牙利布达佩斯的中欧大学(Central European University)发表了共分五个部分的系列演讲,阐述了他对危机中的金融市场、政治体制和开放社会的思考与主张。在第五日的演讲“未来的路”中,他着重探讨了金融危机将如何重塑中国与世界的关系,以及由中国代表的“国家资本主义”模式的未来。这次演讲的全部译稿由公开社会研究会(Open Society Institute)提供