










网络推手是个形象的说法,指那些组织专门的人利用互联网技术对某一话题、商品、人物等进行炒作、推销、宣传,以引起其他网民注意或动员更多的人加入传播的行为。这种行为可以为各种不同的目的服务,例如,商业公司宣传新产品,总统竞选网上拉票,包装公司捧红新艺人,公民团体维权等等。由于互联网传播速度快,范围广,受众人数多,其效果远远超过传统的纸面媒体和影视媒体。加之web 2.0使得互联网成为人们广泛使用的互动平台与媒介,这种大规模的传播行为就会产生相当的影响力。目前市场上已经有很多家网络推手公司,经营诸如为企业或个人宣传和包装的业务,而这一行业还没有成熟的职业规范,也缺乏相关法规进行约束。



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和3Q大战中360的宣传策略一样,北京公交一卡通最近也被冠以“暴露隐私”“精确追踪用户”这样的标题,引起人们的恐慌。其被指控的方式是:一卡通用户在线输入卡号,就可以查询自己的公共交通出行记录,例如公交、地铁。对此,一卡通公司发布公告回应说:“一卡通卡是非实名制的卡片,无个人信息,所以不存在个人隐私泄露问题,网站也只有卡用户的以往出行记录,请持卡用户妥善保管自己的卡片”。 人们可能担心的问题是,自己的卡号被人抄下,暴露行踪。有这样担心的人估计多属不忠的丈夫,解决方法也很简单:直接打车付现金就完了。




1. 从北京一卡通的隐私事件说起

2. 网络安全与互联网架构

3. 网络推手与政府管理

4. 重构隐私与隐私权?

5. 认知资本主义如何重新定义“财产”(上)

6. 认知资本主义如何重新定义“财产”(下)

7. 网络实名制:赞成与反对(上)

8. 网络实名制:赞成与反对(下)

9. 通过改变互联网架构保护知识产权?

10. 一场迟到的争论,但未必是悲剧

11. 谷歌数字图书馆的文化战争

12. 再论网络实名制

13. 政治逻辑与商业逻辑

14. 智能手机专利战带来的启示

15. 移动互联网时代的自由、隐私与安全

16. 中国互联网立法的思路探源

17. 互联网与公共领域:财产与劳动的视角

18. 虚拟物品的财产化及其影响

19. 网络传播秩序、谣言与治理

20. 社会化媒体的暗面

21. 互联网企业垄断:现实与未来

22. 3D打印的知识产权之维

23. 数字时代隐私的终结?

24. 大数据革命的商业与法律起源

25. 什么是数据主权?

26. 互联网企业竞争的演化

27. 网络中立在中国

28. 法律如何适应高速变化的互联网行业

Thinking, Fast and Slow. By Daniel Kahneman

Thinking, Fast and Slow. By Daniel Kahneman. Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2011. 512 pages. ISBN: 0374275637; 9780374275631


Daniel Kahneman, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his seminal work in psychology that challenged the rational model of judgment and decision making, is one of our most important thinkers. His ideas have had a profound and widely regarded impact on many fields—including economics, medicine, and politics—but until now, he has never brought together his many years of research and thinking in one book.

Thinking, Fast and SlowIn the highly anticipated Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Kahneman exposes the extraordinary capabilities—and also the faults and biases—of fast thinking, and reveals the pervasive influence of intuitive impressions on our thoughts and behavior. The impact of loss aversion and overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulties of predicting what will make us happy in the future, the challenges of properly framing risks at work and at home, the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning the next vacation—each of these can be understood only by knowing how the two systems work together to shape our judgments and decisions.

Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives—and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble. Thinking, Fast and Slow will transform the way you think about thinking.

A Cooperative Species: Human Reciprocity and Its Evolution. By Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis

A Cooperative Species: Human Reciprocity and Its Evolution. By Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis. Princeton University Press 2011. ISBN: 0691151253; 9780691151250


A Cooperative Species: Human Reciprocity and Its Evolution

Why do humans, uniquely among animals, cooperate in large numbers to advance projects for the common good? Contrary to the conventional wisdom in biology and economics, this generous and civic-minded behavior is widespread and cannot be explained simply by far-sighted self-interest or a desire to help close genealogical kin.

In A Cooperative Species, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis–pioneers in the new experimental and evolutionary science of human behavior–show that the central issue is not why selfish people act generously, but instead how genetic and cultural evolution has produced a species in which substantial numbers make sacrifices to uphold ethical norms and to help even total strangers.

The authors describe how, for thousands of generations, cooperation with fellow group members has been essential to survival. Groups that created institutions to protect the civic-minded from exploitation by the selfish flourished and prevailed in conflicts with less cooperative groups. Key to this process was the evolution of social emotions such as shame and guilt, and our capacity to internalize social norms so that acting ethically became a personal goal rather than simply a prudent way to avoid punishment.

Using experimental, archaeological, genetic, and ethnographic data to calibrate models of the coevolution of genes and culture as well as prehistoric warfare and other forms of group competition, A Cooperative Species provides a compelling and novel account of how humans came to be moral and cooperative.

Samuel Bowles heads the Behavioral Sciences Program at the Santa Fe Institute and teaches economics at the University of Siena. Herbert Gintis holds faculty positions at the Santa Fe Institute, Central European University, and the University of Siena. The authors’ recent research has appeared in Science, Nature, American Economic Review, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, and Current Anthropology.

SuperCooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed. By Martin Nowak & Roger Highfield

SuperCooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed. By Martin Nowak & Roger Highfield. Free Press 2011. 352 pages. ISBN: 1439100187; 9781439100189


SuperCooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed

EVOLUTION IS OFTEN PRESENTED AS A STRICTLY COMPETITIVE ENDEAVOR. This point of view has had serious implications for the way we see the mechanics of both science and culture. But scientists have long wondered how societies could have evolved without some measure of cooperation. And if there was cooperation involved, how could it have arisen from nature “red in tooth and claw”?

Martin Nowak, one of the world’s experts on evolution and game theory, working here with bestselling science writer Roger Highfield, turns an important aspect of evolutionary theory on its head to explain why cooperation, not competition, has always been the key to the evolution of complexity. He offers a new explanation for the origin of life and a new theory for the origins of language, biology’s second greatest information revolution after the emergence of genes. SuperCooperators also brings to light his game-changing work on disease. Cancer is fundamentally a failure of the body’s cells to cooperate, Nowak has discovered, but organs are cleverly designed to foster cooperation, and he explains how this new understanding can be used in novel cancer treatments.

Nowak and Highfield examine the phenomena of reciprocity, reputation, and reward, explaining how selfless behavior arises naturally from competition; how forgiveness, generosity, and kindness have a mathematical rationale; how companies can be better designed to promote cooperation; and how there is remarkable overlap between the recipe for cooperation that arises from quantitative analysis and the codes of conduct seen in major religions, such as the Golden Rule.

In his first book written for a wide audience, this hugely influential scientist explains his cutting-edge research into the mysteries of cooperation, from the rise of multicellular life to Good Samaritans. With wit and clarity, Nowak and Highfield make the case that cooperation, not competition, is the defining human trait. SuperCooperators will expand our understanding of evolution and provoke debate for years to come.

The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined. By Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined.
Viking Adult 2011; 832 pages; ISBN: 0670022950; 9780670022953.

The author of The New York Times bestseller The Stuff of Thought offers a controversial history of violence.

The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has DeclinedFaced with the ceaseless stream of news about war, crime, and terrorism, one could easily think we live in the most violent age ever seen. Yet as New York Times bestselling author Steven Pinker shows in this startling and engaging new work, just the opposite is true: violence has been diminishing for millennia and we may be living in the most peaceful time in our species’s existence. For most of history, war, slavery, infanticide, child abuse, assassinations, pogroms, gruesome punishments, deadly quarrels, and genocide were ordinary features of life. But today, Pinker shows (with the help of more than a hundred graphs and maps) all these forms of violence have dwindled and are widely condemned. How has this happened?

This groundbreaking book continues Pinker’s exploration of the essence of human nature, mixing psychology and history to provide a remarkable picture of an increasingly nonviolent world. The key, he explains, is to understand our intrinsic motives- the inner demons that incline us toward violence and the better angels that steer us away-and how changing circumstances have allowed our better angels to prevail. Exploding fatalist myths about humankind’s inherent violence and the curse of modernity, this ambitious and provocative book is sure to be hotly debated in living rooms and the Pentagon alike, and will challenge and change the way we think about our society.

The Politics of China: Sixty Years of The People’s Republic of China. 3rd Edition. Edited by Roderick MacFarquhar

The Politics of China: Sixty Years of The People’s Republic of China. 3rd Edition. Edited by Roderick MacFarquhar. Cambridge University Press 2011. ISBN: 0521145317; 9780521145312; 0521196930; 9780521196932.

The Politics of China: Sixty Years of The People's Republic of China. 3rd EditionThirty years ago, China was emerging from one of the most traumatic periods in its history. The Chinese people had been ravaged by long years of domestic struggle, terrible famine and economic and political isolation. Today, China has the world’s second largest economy and is a major player in global diplomacy. This volume, written by some of the leading experts in the field, tracks China’s extraordinary transformation from the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, through the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and the death of Chairman Mao, to its dynamic rise as a superpower in the twenty-first century. The latest edition of the book includes a new introduction and a seventh chapter which focuses on the legacy of Deng Xiaoping, the godfather of China’s transformation, under his successors Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao.











社会思想译丛 ★ 新书讯

玛丽安·康斯特布尔(Marianne Constable):《正义的沉默:现代法律的局限和可能性》(Just Silences: The Limits and Possibilities of Modern Law),曲广娣译,北京大学出版社2011年。ISBN: 9787301189771. @豆瓣 @小组








中国当代修辞学家其实很是抱怨这种社会误解,[2]但这个误解还不能算冤案,并没人栽赃。从唐钺、陈望道、杨树达等前辈1920-30年代各自独立的创造性努力开始,[3]尽管都不认为修辞学仅仅有关修辞手段和方法,[4]但在他们的著作指引下,20世纪汉语修辞学一直基本以文字甚至文学修辞的技巧方法(“辞格”)为中心。[5]无论在大陆还是香港或台湾,修辞学的研究都放在中文系,著作往往以辞格为中心,材料主要是古代诗文。尽管1980年代之后有学者提出了“反辞格”的修辞学,试图沟通中西方的修辞学研究,有不少努力,[6]但不少学者仍然坚持所谓修辞就是选择同义手段,修辞学就是研究同义手段之选择,[7]而因此,“修辞格过去是、现在是、将来也一定还是修辞学中最重要的内容”。[8] 与之形成鲜明反差的是,在西方,自古希腊开始,柏拉图和亚里士多德,无论是反对、怀疑还是赞同修辞学,关注的始终是言说,特别是公共演说,试图在不同的事情上都找到某种说服受众的方式;[9]并因此总把修辞学同法学和政治学拴在一起。[10]古罗马时期延续了公共演说关注政治和法律问题的修辞传统。[11]此后很长时间内,政法性公共演说传统在欧洲衰落了,修辞更多寄生于传教和布道,或开始附着于经典文本或书信;[12]但近代以后,随着民主政治的发生,公共演说的传统重新兴起,甚至收容了宗教布道的演说传统。[13]今天,公共演说几乎是西方政治家不因离任而卸下的一项收入丰厚的工作;为政治家捉刀代笔也成为西方文秘的一个重要行当。[14] 还没法用中国文化传统来解释。尽管今天汉语修辞学的原材料主要来自中国古代诗文,却不能说延续的是中国早期的传统,至少不是孔子的传统。从中国最早的记录来看,至少春秋战国时期的修辞实践,与古希腊几乎完全相同,一直更关注口头言说,并且集中关注政治问题。本文的题记,“述而不作”,[15]君子“敏于事而慎于言”、“讷于言而敏于行”、“耻其言而过其行”以及“辞达而已矣”,[16]所有这些都表明孔子,为推动社会的政治变革,相对于文字,更重视说话;[17]相对于说话,更重视说话的效果。在不同的领域和问题上,孔子很清楚自己想要什么,据此对文字和说话做出战略和策略的调度和安排。这丝毫不意味修辞次要,这其实也是一种修辞,是超越了文字和文学关切的政治性修辞。孔子的修辞观是实用主义的,不是本质主义的。








